5 Courses To Pick Up Modern Web Dev Fast

In the past three years, I've taken countless web development courses, with only a few standing out as truly valuable. To save you time and effort, I've compiled a list of top courses that will quickly take your web development skills from beginner to advanced.
1. The Complete 2022 Web Development Bootcamp by Angela Yu
A solid foundation is key, and Angela's course introduces all the essential technologies and concepts in a simplified manner. Perfect for getting a well-rounded understanding of web development. Check it out.
2. JavaScript30 by Wes Bos
With a good foundation in place, it's time to build small apps and exercises. Wes Bos is an exceptional teacher, and his course helps solidify your JavaScript knowledge through hands-on learning. Check it out.
3. Learn Node! by Wes Bos
Level up by building a production-worthy full-stack app. Wes demonstrates best practices for crucial production concepts like error handling, authentication, and modular code. This was the first course that showed me the power of breaking out your codebase into modules. Check it out.
4. Modern React with Redux by Stephen Grider
Mastering a library like React is vital for modern web development. Stephen's comprehensive course offers everything you need to know about React. Check it out.
5. Typescript: The Complete Developer's Guide by Stephen Grider
For larger apps, TypeScript simplifies error-catching and maintaining structure. Once again, Stephen delivers an all-encompassing course on the subject. Check it out.
BONUS: Frontend Mentor
To truly absorb what you've learned, apply your new skills by building projects with Frontend Mentor's beautiful designs. Check it out.